Monday, April 6, 2009
Catching You All Up
WOW! I have been sooo busy the last year. Let me see if I can update everyone on what, and where we're at. We are still in Overton and have been HERE for the last year and a half. Craig is still working valet at Circus Circus in Las Vegas, working the swing shift - Ya! He wants to go into Forensic Science as a CSI and has applications in 5 different places and is on the eligible to hire list, but with the economy, we're just waiting for a response. So in the meantime we help his mom around the house with yard work, we just got done landscaping the front yard - and I have to say it look pretty darn good! We've been also remodeling the inside of the house - well mostly painting, we did knock down a wall and built shelves in the storage room and converted it into our food storage room/sewing room. Its huge and we love it. We also planted our first garden, I am definitely enjoying it. I mostly have stuff to make salsa but we working on expanding it sometime soon. I think most of my time gets spent on all my church callings. Craig and I are the Ward Activities Chairmen, we actually just got done having our Easter Activity. It was so much fun and if anyone know Overton 1st Ward, we had an awesome turn out. But now were planning our next one maybe sometime in the summer. I also am the Food Storage Specialist,... WOW what an overwhelming calling. I didn't think it would be but it is and I'm loving every minute of it. Sometimes Craig gets after me about it but I know the members are counting on me, but I think they're definitely coming around. And my last kind of, sort of calling is doing the Relief Society Newsletter. But despite what everyone says I love all of them. Oh, I also have a part-time job working down at Radioshack, I love learning about all the stuff that I usually let Craig worry about, but its fun. Oh, I am also working on getting my Real Estates license, so if you know anything who is thinking of buying a house in the next couple months, just let me know. Kayla is in preschool, she loves it and is always excited in come home and tell me with she did. Austin, what can I say, he is so much fun. Loves to be outside and doing all the boy things like playing in the dirt riding his bike and 4-wheeler and just causing nothing but trouble. Ashley or Rae-Rae, she is such a doll. She just had her first birthday last week on the 1st. We love her so much. I forgot to mention, did you know Craig has lost over 30 pounds. He looks awesome and I'm so proud of him. He mostly just changed his eating habits but man, it sure paid off. So the next time you see him, just let him know that you know that he lost some weight. Well I think that it for know. Hopefully, I can keep this up.
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