At the end of July, Craig was sent to Carson City to attend the POST Academy and to become a CAT 1 Police Officer. I would have never guessed in a million years I would be married to a cop. He was gone for 16 weeks, July 26th - November 10th. In which he missed a lot, Kayla starting 1st Grade, Kayla playing her 1st sport, Soccer, Halloween
1st day of 1st Grade

Halloween: Austin is a Park Ranger, Ashley is Cinderella, and Kayla is a bride
and ANOTHER MOVE. That's right!!! On one of his visits home, we decided to move from the top on the hill to the bottom of the hill. Of course he had to go back and I was dealt with the move, by myself. Although he did come back to paint the house but I did everything else...of course I did have some help. After the move which was quick, I think 10 days. I flew to Texas with Sandy, Heather, Brock, Stephanie, Juan and my mom for my uncle and aunts wedding anniversary. Which was a blast!
The world biggest wind chime
The Schlitterbahn
Juan having fun with an ice cream cart we found
The masquerade party
Hernandez cousins
Then right when I got home, I flew back out this time to Carson City for Craig's graduation.
It was good having him back home, especially for the major holidays and birthdays.